
New Energy Charging Piles Empower “Green Travel”

New energy vehicles are receiving more attention due to their comprehensive energy-saving and emission reduction advantages, such as effectively alleviating transportation fuel consumption, carbon dioxide and pollutant emissions. Statistics show that by the end of 2022, the number of new energy vehicles in the country reached 13.1 million, an increase of 67.13% year-on-year. The use of new energy vehicles in the environment, charging is an important part, therefore, the new energy charging pile should be born, the layout of the construction of the “green travel” to provide a favorable protection.

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In July 2020, China launched a new energy vehicle to the countryside, the activities gradually penetrate into the third and fourth tier cities, and constantly close to the county and township markets and rural consumers. In order to better empower the people’s green travel, the layout of the charging infrastructure has become the first task.

In order to let the people feel the real travel convenience, since 2023 China has introduced a series of important initiatives to promote the charging infrastructure system towards the direction of wider distribution, denser layout, more complete categories of sustainable development. At present, nearly 90% of the country’s highway service areas have been covered with charging facilities. In Zhejiang, the first half of 2023 has built a total of 29,000 public charging piles in rural areas. In Jiangsu, the “light storage and charging” integrated microgrid makes charging more low-carbon. In Beijing, the shared charging model, so that the past “car looking for pile” to “pile looking for car”.

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Charging service outlets continue to be sound and rich depth to empower “green travel”. Data show that in the first half of China’s public charging pile increment for 351,000 units, with the car with the construction of private charging pile increment for 1,091,000 units. The number of new energy vehicle charging facility projects is increasing, and the implementation process has always adhered to the construction policy of close to demand, scientific planning, construction in the vicinity, improving network density, and narrowing the charging radius, which has a very positive effect on easing mileage anxiety and serving the convenience of passenger car travel.

In order to promote the better development of new energy vehicle charging pile construction, the State Grid sets the advantages of technology, standards, talents and platforms as a whole, strengthens the grid services, provides labor-saving, time-saving and money-saving services for the construction of various types of charging piles, and vigorously promotes the “Internet+” to handle electricity, and opens up the way for the construction of charging radius. We will vigorously promote “Internet+” to handle electricity, open up green channels, provide contractual services, and implement time-limited settlement.

I believe that under the synergistic force of policy and market, the construction and application of charging piles will be more quality, and provide constant power for empowering “green traveling”.

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Post time: Aug-25-2023