
The godfather of the US Internet: Huawei 5G is more advanced than the US 5G technology

In recent news, according to China’s Sina Technology report, on the eve of the Shanghai 2023 ESG Global Leader Conference, Kevin Kelly, the godfather of the United States Internet, identified Huawei mobile phone 5G technology as more advanced. He said that compared with 5G technology in the United States, Huawei 5G technology is cheaper and more stable, and he is more optimistic about the prospects of Huawei 5G. It is obvious that China has its own communication channels, in addition, Kevin Kelly is also impressed by China’s high-speed rail, he happily recalled his experience of taking a 7-hour high-speed rail from Beijing to Hong Kong, and said that many people in the world, especially Westerners, do not realize the achievements and great significance of China’s high-speed rail construction.


Last week, Huawei’s official micro blog cited the 2023 5G RAN Competitiveness Assessment Report released by GlobalData, a well-known global consulting agency, which comprehensively evaluated RAN equipment manufacturers from AAU, RRU, millimeter wave, BBU and energy efficiency, and the results showed that Huawei, with its leading product solutions and mature commercial cases, No. 1 for five years in a row.


The picture is from China’s Weibo

According to the “Research Report on Global 5G Standard Essential Patents and Standard Proposals (2023)” released by the China Academy of Information and Communications Sciences in July this year, Huawei’s 5G standard essential patents are still the first in the world, and its position as a 5G leader is unshakable. In terms of the proportion of valid global patent families, Huawei accounted for 14.59%, or the first.

In fact, Huawei has been promoting the research of 6G technology for a long time. In June this year, Li Peng, senior vice president of Huawei and president of operator BG, announced that he had completed 6G Hertz technology verification with operators and achieved a 10Gbps downlink rate.


Now China is very different from before, I really hope that friends from all over the world can try to start cooperation with China in communication and power equipment. We provide products, you can use their own communication channels to protect their information security, we hope that everyone has power and communication, more to understand and see the world, and finally wish the world less war and more peace, we are willing to help you rebuild after the disaster, please contact us, we have the best power and communication technology, to help you build refuelling.

Post time: Oct-16-2023